How to Heal Trauma and Build Resilience: An East Meets West Approach
As a result of working in the Newtown, CT community after the Sandy Hook shooting and in working with 9/11 survivors, first responders...

Shifting Perspective to Be Happy
I have always thought the purpose of life was to be happy. That is until I came across this quote yesterday. Sure, I had my doubts about...

How Yoga Heals Trauma
It's doesn't just affect Domestic Violence victims and soldiers with PTSD. Everyone has experienced some type of trauma they would do...

Domestic Violence Awareness Month #1Thing
It's Domestic Violence Awareness Month and the Domestic Violence Awareness Project (DVAP) developed a unified message around #1Thing....

Green Flags of a Healthy Relationship: Feeling Safe
If you've read my previous posts you maybe noticing a change in perspective on this one! Do you see how I am changing my series? Rather...

How to Spot an Abuser Clue #12: Emotional Immaturity
Imagine if you could spot an abuser on a first or second date. What if you could already tell if s/he is a would-be abuser? If you know...

How to Spot an Abuser Clue #11: Isolation
Does your partner isolate you from your friends and family? Consider whether you feel free. Even in the most committed healthy...

How to Spot an Abuser: Clue #10 Blaming
Being subjected to abusive behavior is a painful, confusing experience for many reasons. According to Michael Steiner, Community Mental...

How to Spot an Abuser: Clue #9 Low Frustration Tolerance
Have you ever had an abusive partner? That is someone who has used degrading and demeaning language, withheld affection or financial help...

How to Spot an Abuser: Clue #8 Unpredictable Mood Swings
Research shows that the mood swings of an abusive individual can be staggering. For instance, they can go from pleasant and romantic to...